Regional psychotherapy telehealth specialists

A dedicated therapeutic support for medical practitioners looking for a psychotherapy and counselling referral network.

Who are we?

We are a team of committed therapists and counsellors passionate about extending support into regional areas via telehealth. We balance risk assessment with relational therapy that helps move the client towards long term change.

Meet the team

Who is this service for?

Dedicated medical practitioners who share a vision of uplifting their patients' mental well-being.

Regional Therapy is a pioneering healthcare service committed to addressing the critical gap in mental health support for medical practitioners and patients in regional areas of Victoria, Australia. Recognizing the limitations of the current medical system in providing comprehensive mental health care, Regional Therapy offers a specialized team of highly trained and compassionate professional counselors and psychotherapists. 

Our psychotherapists are dedicated to delivering grounded and relational therapeutic support to both medical practitioners and their patients, thereby improving overall well-being and resilience within regional communities.

Why did we create this service?

Challenges in regional mental healthcare

1. Limited Resources:

Many regional areas have a shortage of mental health professionals, making it difficult for both medical practitioners and the general population to access adequate support.

2. Isolation:

Patients and medical professionals in regional areas often experience isolation and a lack of community resources, which can exacerbate mental health issues.

3. Stigma:

Stigma surrounding mental health can be more pronounced in smaller communities, discouraging individuals from seeking help.

4. Workload and Burnout:

Medical practitioners in regional areas may experience high workloads and increased stress, leading to burnout and compromised mental health.

5. Access Barriers:

Geographical distances and limited transportation options can hinder access to mental health services, making it crucial to bring such services closer to these communities.

So how can we help?

The Regional Therapy Solution:

Regional Therapy aims to bridge the gap in mental health care by offering a range of comprehensive services tailored to the unique needs of medical practitioners and patients in regional Victoria:

1. Professional Counsellors and Psychotherapists:

Regional Therapy assembles a team of skilled and experienced counselors and psychotherapists with expertise in various therapeutic modalities, ensuring a personalized approach to each individual's needs.

2. Grounded and Relational Approach:

The focus of Regional Therapy's services is on providing grounded and relational therapeutic support. This approach emphasizes building h4 therapeutic relationships and focusing on practical strategies that can be integrated into everyday life.

3. Accessibility and Flexibility:

To overcome geographical barriers, Regional Therapy employs telehealth solutions, allowing individuals to access therapy remotely. Additionally, periodic in-person visits to regional centers provide a face-to-face connection for those who prefer it.

4. Education and Training:

Regional Therapy offers workshops and training sessions for medical practitioners, enhancing their understanding of mental health issues and equipping them with tools to better support their patients.

5. Community Engagement:

Regional Therapy actively engages with local communities to reduce stigma surrounding mental health and promote open discussions about well-being.