Ruth Langford

With a diverse background in culture/arts/environmental/ social justice/ youth work and Indigenous Medicines Therapy, Ruth Langford divides her time into endeavors that reflect her passion for uniting ancient traditions and modern innovation in order to promote caring for that which sustains and invigorates life.

Ruth draws upon the cultural knowledge of her Yorta Yorta mother and the Aboriginal Community of Tasmania where she was born and continues to live. Engaging with and inspiring people to build personal relationships which encourage social cohesion and protection of Country is a life long passion of hers.

Combining over twenty years traveling the world sitting with Indigenous Healers, Elders and World Wisdom Teachers, Ruth Langford’s vision is to connect people to the ecological and spiritual understanding of ancient wisdoms supported by modern scientific knowledge delivered in a relevant context.

Establishing Nayri Niara, a Centre for the Arts of Healing, Ruth has gained a reputation as a capable facilitator and coordinator of effective therapeutic programs, which have as their guiding principles, Connection to Country, Culture and to the Sacred.

Ruth Langford

Regional Therapy's innovative approach seeks to address the pressing need for mental health support in regional areas of Victoria, benefiting not only medical practitioners but the entire community. 

By improving mental health outcomes and reducing the burden on the medical system, Regional Therapy contributes to the overall well-being and resilience of regional Victoria. As the demand for accessible mental health services continues to rise, Regional Therapy is poised to expand its reach, enhance its offerings, and become a cornerstone of mental health care in regional areas.